NaturaCel is the BRAND NEW anti-aging secret that is clinically designed to take the baggage off your skin as you notice reduction in wrinkles, fine lines, crow’s feet, and dry, dull skin from your face.
The Natural Ingredients are CLINICALLY PROVEN to reduce the signs of aging, giving you a radiant youthful look.
Unlike other creams that help temporarily at the outermost skin layer, NaturaCel’s secret ALA-CRAV complex is specially designed to fight actual aging right from the cell.


ALA (Alpha Lipoic Acid)
Alpha Lipoic Acid is key to energy production in cells, fights environmental toxins, and inhibits wrinkling of skin, and has anti-oxidating properties.

Collagen sustains hydration keeping skin resilient and firm. Collagen production decreases in your 20?s and rapidly in your 30?s. NaturaCel strengthens the Collagen foundation and stimulates further growth.

Aloe Vera delivers moisture, oxygen, and nourishment to the deepest levels of the skin, has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties.

Resveratrol stimulates your own collagen production, has anti-inflammatory calming skin and fights damage from radicals.
Ingredients: Resveratrol, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Aloe Vera, Collagen, Green Tea, Grape Seed, DMAE, Hyaluronic Acid, L-Glycine, L-Proline, L-Glathathione, Tumeric, Vitamin A, C, E, Niacinamide.

Step 1. Fights against Aging due to Glycation
Steak turns brown and brittle when cooked. Similarly, with age, certain amino groups such as Collagen loses its youthful structure into AGES (Ages Glycation End Products). These are very destructive as it contributes to cross-linking with other proteins to create chemical bridges, weakening the elasticity of collagen. Once glycated, collagen fibers have reduced regenerative ability, leading to the wrinkles, creping, and sagging that characterize skin aging.

Step 2. Penetrates moisture at deepest levels & Binds Water to the skin
Hyaluronic acid is capable of holding up to 1,000 times its own weight in water and helps to bind water in the skin, providing essential support for the collagen framework as well as protecting the skin?s elasticity.Aloe Vera?s small molecular structure helps delivers moisture, oxygen, and nourishment to the deepest l evels of the skin and is soothing with anti-fungal properties.

Step 3. Reduces Photo Aging
PhotoAging is damage done to the skin by exposure to the sun. ALA-CRAV helps decrease visibility of dark spots, fine lines, wrinkles, roughness due to photo aging.
Study conducted by Department of Dermatology, Karolinska Hospital, 33 women in their mid 50?s were treated with Alpha Lipoic Acid for 12 weeks applied twice daily. Results showed that women with the LA cream had significant reduction in skin roughness and photo aged marks.

Step 4. Stimulates your own Collagen Synthesis
With glyation, you start losing existing collagen and new collagen production slows. Collagen in NaturaCel is to supplement your current low levels.
The Resveratrol is potent with antioxidants that naturally avert glycation-induced damage by stabilizing the collagen matrix, promoting collagen biosynthesis, and improving microcirculation. Alpha Lipoic Acid?s fight against glycation also helps to preserve the collagen?s regenerative abilities.

Step 5. Energizes your Cells & Protects against Oxidative Stress
NaturaCel?s Alpha Lipoic Acid in the ALA-CRAV complex, helps to cleanse the cells with its antioxidating properties. It also provides energy during the cell?s citric acid cycle and protects cells from environmental radicals and toxins that exacerbates glycation & contribute to aging diseases.
Alpha lipoic acid help restore a cellular ?signaling? process that tends to break down in older blood vessels. It reduces mitochondrial decay in cells, which is closely linked to the symptoms of aging. With age, glutathione levels (a protective antioxidant and detoxification compound) naturally decline, making older animals more susceptible to both free radicals and other environmental toxins ? but lipoic acid can restore glutathione function to near normal. And the expression and function of other genes seems to come back to life.
Every second, 24 hours a day, oxidative damage caused by free radicals occurs in our bodies through the energy-producing reactions that take place within mitochondria of our cells. The cumulative damage inflicted by free radicals can have numerous negative age-related effects that damage the DNA, protein, and lipid. This damage (same as that produced by radiation) is a major contributor to aging and to degenerative diseases of aging such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, immune-system decline, brain dysfuntion and cataracts.?
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